Rave Limited has trained and experienced project management (PM) professionals that
can assist our clients to run successful projects initiatives from initiation to close-out.
Rave Limited recognizes that effective project management (PM) is an essential component of its clients’ project implementation, business development, and operational strategies. Rave Limited provides holistic PM solutions that involve defining, planning, executing, managing, communicating, monitoring and controlling project resources, costs, scope, schedule, integration, quality, procurement, stakeholders, and risks. An effective project management ensures that projects are implemented effectively and efficiently in a manner that improves our clients’ ability to deliver real value from their project related investments or developments. Effective PM minimizes waste, business losses and uncertainties during project development and operations.
Rave Limited’s PM approaches are consistent with global best practice specified in the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) project management process
Services we Offer
- Project Execution Plan;
- Development of Project Quality Plan (PQP);
- Project Risk Evaluation and Value Engineering;
- Project Performance Monitoring Strategies;
- Project Communication Plan;
- Management of Change (MOC);
- Project Reporting Specifications;
- Project Management; with commitment to deliver projects on time, within scope and budget; and,
- Project Management Training.
- Many more...
Project Management
“Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.”
~Henry Mintzberg~